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It is good that we have one strong ruler, who can help us become rich and powerful”.The dicotyledons are characterised by having two cotyledons in their seeds while the monocolyledons have only one.Look up is created in case of a field, which is foreign key (many side) into primary key (one side) between the tables that have one-to-many relationship.In practice it means that everyone should have one vote and each vote should have equal value.That gives us the third feature of democracy: in a democracy, each adult citizen must have one vote and each vote must have one value.As in alkanes, ethene (C2H4) and propene (C3H6) can have only one structure but alkenes higher than propene have different structures.Typically, each such body will have one or more public goals to pursue as defined by law or the Constitution of India itself.Though there is a variety of non-farm activities in the villages (we have only seen a few examples), the number of people employed in each is quite small.Any legal change must carefully look at what results it will have on politics.For the sake of simplicity, we have assumed that they have only five citizens each.One might feel that it is much better to have one person take all decisions without any rules, procedures and meetings.We may note here that some commodities like television sets, automobiles or home computers, although they are for ultimate consumption, have one characteristic in common with capital goods – they are also durable.Most of the members have one or more storage bodies called pyrenoids located in the chloroplasts.First three alkanes – methane, ethane and propane have only one structure but higher alkanes can have more than one structure.They have only two pairs of hand-me-down clothes each.

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